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Shaestin a Feyness

by James Sinclair

Beady een, black pearls
surveyed aa afore dem
empty as far as da ee wid reck

Trowe hiecht o simmer inta hairst,
we most o sailed a million miles
fae da Southermost point o Prins Christiansund.
Dan up da coast fae da fjiords o Sisimiut
ta Nuuk an on ta da far Nort o Narsaq
an da laand o da skraelin.

Wird fae da sudert, wis dat fock wir haerd
o groups o fish wirkin dir wey  aroond da coast.
Da skraelin held his tongue. He wis keeping stuum.
We sowt da baess here, dere an aa wey -
ta da Aestard o first Devon dan Baffin island
Runnin wi da trade winds, we shaested mirlin tides.
Een stared oot da craa’s nest fur ony late wird
in  ivery voe an geo, a spoot o wind, da swirl
o fin an tail. Hit med you winder dat dey’d
laerned ta braeth under da waater
Ur wis hit a fact dat da last graet Nordert whaal
lay packit in barrels itil da howld o da Diana.

The Hull whaleship Diana, trapped in the Greenland ice

A sequence of Shetland dialect poems as an interpretation of the ill-fated voyage of the Hull whaleship Diana, trapped in the Greenland ice over winter 1866-1867.

Back Fae Da EdgePoem by James Sinclair
Honest GraftPoem by James Sinclair
Laevin HamePoem by James Sinclair
Lang LippenedPoem by James Sinclair
LossPoem by James Sinclair
Lost SowlsPoem by James Sinclair
Makkin a Run Fur HitPoem by James Sinclair
MellishonPoem by James Sinclair
Mirrie DancersPoem by James Sinclair
Shaestin a FeynessPoem by James Sinclair
Shaestin wir PreyPoem by James Sinclair
Slippin AwaPoem by James Sinclair
StarvationPoem by James Sinclair
TrappitPoem by James Sinclair

Northwords Now acknowledges the vital support of Creative Scotland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
ISSN 1750-7928 - Print Design by Gustaf Eriksson - Website by Plexus Media