Northwords Now

New writing, fresh from Scotland and the wider North
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Beannachd na Banachdaich

Ùrnaigh Àm a’ Charghais 2021

by Sandaidh Nicdhòmhnaill Jones

Ar n-anam a tha an cunnart
Gun neartaichear ar n-anail;
Thigeadh ar n-àm ri teachd,
Dèanar fàth ar beatha air an talamh
Is cheadaichear ’n ùine gheallaichte dhuinn.
Tabhair dhuinn ar banachdach tràth
Agus maith dhuinn ar mì-fhoighidinn,
Eadhon a dh’aidicheas sinne feum as motha aig càch.
Agus na leig ann an eu-dòchas sinn,
Ach dìon sinn o bhìoras a’ chrùin,
Fhad ‘s a dh’fheitheas sinn uile fhathast.
Oir anns an saidheans ar n-earb,
Is anns ar co-obrachadh ’s co-fhaireachdainn.
Tabhair dhuinn dlùths is tlùs
As dèidh astar, àmhghar ’s oillt.
Is bithear Gràs, Slàinte,
Is Beatha dhuinn uile,
Agus Taing.

The Vaccine’s Benediction
A Lenten Prayer 2021

Our soul that art in peril
Strengthened be thy breath;
Our future come,
Our purpose on earth be accomplished
And our full allotted span be to us allowed.
Grant us our early vaccination
And forgive us our impatience,
Even as we confess the greater need of others.
And let us not fall into despair,
But deliver us from coronavirus,
For as long as we all must still wait.
For in science we trust,
In our cooperation and human compassion.
Grant us closeness and affection
After distance, torment and anguish
And may we all yet know
Health, Grace, and Life,
And Thanks.

26 Gearran 2021

Northwords Now acknowledges the vital support of Creative Scotland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
ISSN 1750-7928 - Print Design by Gustaf Eriksson - Website by Plexus Media